Top 6 Books to Read If You Want to Be Successful.

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Top 6 Books to Read If You Want to Be Successful.
Let me walk you through the 6 books that have had a huge impact on the way I think, work, and live life! I contribute about 90% of my success to the books I've read. These are ordered in the sense of Mindset ⇨ Business ⇨ Wealth This progression makes the most sense to me and was really the order that I (and most other successful people) learned. 🧐 Like I said, there are 'prereqs' for this list. Yes, everyone should read the following: 🠊 7 Habits of Highly Successful People ( 🠊 Think and Grow Rich ( 🠊 Rich Dad, Poor Dad ( 🠊 And maybe like a dozen others I'm forgetting... Here's the ones talked about in the video though: ➊ Loserthink by Scott Adams (Amazon: ⮡ Scott Adams is the creator of Dilbert (yes, the comic lol). He's turned philanthropist recently and has written a few books about thinking better and having a better mindset in general. If you find yourself thinking poorly of others, being judgmental, or wasting time thinking about celebs, this book if for you! ❷ Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (Amazon: ⮡ Gladwell is a certified genius when it comes to taking what seems to be a 'coincidence' and digging deep to find the causality/correlation. This book has shown me that life isn't just a bunch of random events, but a long thread of highly intertwined experiences. Furthermore, that I can actually control those experiences and manipulate them to give me the outcome I desire. This is easily my favorite book and a must read for everyone. It's like $8 on Amazon, why would you ever pass it up? ❸ Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek (Amazon: ⮡ Being an alpha-wolf is not easy or glamorous. As a leader, you 'eat' last and sometimes there isn't enough to go around. Sinek really hammers home the challenges of being a leader and helps ease that pain with a solid interpretation of what being in charge really means. This book is great for anyone who is self-employed or plans to be soon. ❹ Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin (Amazon: ⮡ A painfully honest field-guide is an understatement. I genuinely felt sick to my stomach at times while reading this. Fishkin takes us on a wild journey of taking a tiny little start-up agency to a multi-million dollar software company. He holds nothing back and there is an abundance of information to learn from him in this book. ❺ The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz (Amazon: ⮡ Do you feel like you don't know what you're doing? GOOD! Neither does anyone else and that's O.K. In fact, if you're outside your comfort zone that means you're likely making progress. Horowitz goes into painful detail of his time being a CEO and the hard decisions he had to make. Most of the time completely unsure if it was the right call. This book really helped me understand it's alright to be lost and to be confident in my decisions even if I'm only 50% sure it's the right one. ❻ Unshakable by Tony Robbins (Amazon: ⮡ This book blew my mind about investing. I really had no idea about many thing Robbins brings up in this book. Like if you miss out on the top day of trading each year, you will end up not making any ROI?!? That's crazy to me! Needless to say I will not be pulling money out of the market! This book is great for anyone that is investing or looking to invest (A.K.A. everyone). Read anything interesting lately? Let me know in the comments or DM me: Instagram: Snapchat:

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